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7th China Trade Fair Indonesia 2024 kicks off in Jakarta 第七届印尼中国贸易博览会2024在雅加达拉开帷幕

China’s policy support to speed up overseas warehouse construction, boost cross-border e-commerce 中国政策支持加快海外仓建设,助推跨境电商发展


China’s enterprise production continues to recover as May’s comprehensive PMI remains above 50: NBS By GT staff reporters NBS:5月综合采购经理人指数(PMI)保持在50以上,中国企业生产继续复苏

Chinese mainland ends tariff concessions on 134 Taiwan imports, as DPP undermines cross-Straits trade 中国大陆终止对134件台湾进口商品的关税减让,因为民进党破坏两岸贸易

Rwanda seeks closer cooperation with China in infrastructure, emerging industries: ambassador 卢旺达大使:卢旺达寻求与中国在基础设施和新兴产业领域开展更紧密的合作

Thailand aims to become first BRICS member in Southeast Asia, eyeing more development opportunities泰国力争成为东南亚首个金砖国家成员国,未来将有更多发展机遇

China, Arab countries vow to deepen economic and trade ties 中国与阿拉伯国家将深化经贸关系

China, S. Korea, Japan to resume FTA negotiations; Premier Li calls for upholding spirit of ‘strategic autonomy’ 中国、韩国、日本将恢复自由贸易协定谈判; 李强总理呼吁坚持“战略自主”精神

China’s industrial profits rebound in April, post 4.3% growth in first four months as pro-growth policies take effect 中国4月份工业利润回升,前四个月增长4.3%

China-Nepal traditional border trade points reopen, benefiting border residents: experts 专家称:中尼传统边境贸易口岸重新开放,边境居民受益

Number of China-Europe freight trains exceeds 90,000, demonstrating China’s commitment to high-level opening-up

Western land-sea corridor shows China's efforts to expand opening-up process 西部陆海走廊展现中国扩大对外开放进程

China, Saudi Arabia reach multiple consensuses on strengthening economic cooperation 中沙就加强经济合作达成多项共识

China's market for foreign business improves, offers further potential: British chamber head 英国商会会长: 中国外贸市场改善,潜力进一步提升
