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Highlights of China-Russia economic and trade cooperation 中俄经贸合作亮点 (图解)

Kenya hosts China-Africa economic trade expo amid growing Sino-African ties 中非关系不断发展,肯尼亚举办中非经贸博览会

GT Voice: India’s ambitions can foster complementarity with China 环球之声:中印双边贸易具有互补优势,经济合作潜力巨大

China's CPI up 0.3% in April, signaling steady demand recovery: NBS 国家统计局:4月份CPI上涨0.3% 需求稳步回升

China allows the import of Hungarian fresh cherries that meet relevant requirements 中国允许进口符合相关要求的匈牙利鲜樱桃,推动中匈农业贸易合作

Xi’s fruitful Europe visit brings new impetus to ties 习近平欧洲之行成果丰硕,为中欧关系发展注入新动力

Xi, Putin hold talks, sign joint statement on deepening ties 习近平与普京举行会谈,签署关于深化中俄关系的联合声明

Trilateral summit a litmus test for SK's diplomatic course correction: Global Times editorial 《环球时报》社论:三边峰会成为韩国外交路线修正的试金石

Serbian blueberries to be imported to China, as strategic partnership gains pace 塞尔维亚蓝莓将进口到中国,战略伙伴关系发展加快步伐

GT Voice: Russian Far East holds potential to cooperate with Heilongjiang 环球之声:俄罗斯远东地区与黑龙江省合作潜力巨大

GT Voice: Innovative ways needed to move China-Japan-S.Korea trilateral cooperation forward By Global Times 环球之声:创新合作方式推动中日韩互利共赢

China vows to share devt dividends at key biz summit 中国于全球贸易与投资促进峰会上分享发展红利
